Thomas Square’s rich history has many layers of context related to the Hawaiian monarchy and the park’s architecture and landscape development. Over time, changes to the comfort station and caretaker’s buildings, designed in 1966 by architect Thomas Wells, resulted in missing architectural elements and the original design intent.
FAI worked with lead planners and the design team on the Master Plan for Thomas Square Park, Phase 3. Architectural and Historic scope of services included rehabilitating existing comfort station buildings, reconstructing the historic trellis, and designing a new park facilities building. The new structure, constructed to house modern facilities equipment and water pumps, was carefully designed to respect the historic character of the park. All new work, as directed by the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation was differentiated yet compatible with the existing buildings.
A 1967 photo displaying the original trellis was a serendipitous discovery and key resource to update the buildings. Through reconstruction of wood frame roofs and the unified trellis structure, original materials and spatial relationships were highlighted while respecting the park’s landscape and history.
2022 Historic Hawaii Foundation Preservation Award